Welcome to Dayuan Elementary School

Dayuan Elementary School is a small and beautiful school, where students are honest, diligent, and humble in learning. Although the school is small in size, the campus environment is excellent, and is recognized as a sustainable campus by the Ministry of Education. The campus has rainwater collection and permeable pavement environmental education designs, which allow for the recycling of rainwater to irrigate the flowers, plants, and trees on the campus. As a result, the campus is always lush and green, and the trees and grass are well-spaced, making it a unique and distinctive campus environment.

Dayuan Elementary School values student development and offers high-quality educational content in five main areas: moral character education, reading, diversified talents, English language foundation, and internationalization. The school has a strong teaching team, diverse special courses, a rich ecological campus, and English and international education programs. The school curriculum is designed based on the four main goals of "internationalization, innovation, diversity, and moral character." 

In recent years, with various financial resources, the school has established various clubs to enable students to develop multiple intelligences through club activities. Furthermore, Dayuan Elementary School actively seeks public and private resources to enrich its hardware and software facilities, provide a safer and more complete learning environment, and improve students' competitiveness. In terms of reading, the school has applied for resources from the Reading School Project and aims to become a seed school for future literacy schools. In terms of technology, the school has applied for the Quanta Smart Learning Project and has integrated the non-electric Coding Curriculum into lower grades. Additionally, the school has applied for various programs such as the International Partner Program, Bilingual Digital Partner Program, English Speaking Enhancement Program, and Summer English Camps. 


It also implements programs such as Food and Agriculture Education, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) education, Japanese Culture Learning and etc. Starting from the 110th academic year, Dayuan Elementary School began implementing partial bilingual teaching in certain subject areas, creating a bilingual environment for students to learn and progress gradually. In the 111th academic year, a Belizean teacher came to the school, creating a more interactive teaching environment with local teachers, enhancing students' international perspectives, and creating a more vibrant language environment. 

Since the 112th academic year, Dayuan Elementary School has taken on the role of the International Education Resource Center (IERC) for Changhua County's International Education Mission Schools, responsible for organizing county-wide international exchanges and education travel plans. It serves as a gateway for teachers and students in Changhua County to the world, providing them with the wings to soar internationally in the future.



大園國小重視學生發展,以培德育才、深耕閱讀、多元展能、英語奠基、接軌國際五大主軸讓學生享有最高品質的教育內容。學校擁有堅強的教學團隊、多元的特色課程、生態豐富的校園、英語與國際教育課程。以「國際、創新、多元、品德」四大目標開展「品味大園‧勇往植前」校訂課程。近年來學校在各項經費挹注下成立了各類社團, 動態方面有:兒童律動社、舞蹈社、直排輪社、扯鈴社;靜態方面有作文社、美術社、英語奠基社;音樂性方面有:空靈鼓社、直笛社讓學生不僅在學校課業上紮實學習也讓學生透過社團活動開展多元智能。

大園國小積極爭取各項公私立資源充實學校各項軟硬體設備硬體部分除完成班班有冷氣、生生用平板等中央計畫外更爭取各界經費增設智慧教室優化視聽教室、屋頂防水隔熱、圖書室改造、更新字幕機、汰換教室黑板與書寫面板、室內窗簾更新、增設電動門、牆面油漆粉刷等計畫111 年底也完成籃球場修繕工程及助跑道新設工程計畫並積極持續爭取經費預計打造樂活教室、擴大屋頂種電、改造司令台以及外牆拉皮更新等。學校申辦各項計畫來提升學生競爭力閱讀方面爭取閱讀品學堂資源成為未來素養學堂--閱讀素養種子學校;科技方面四至六年級執行廣達游於智計畫一到三年級執行科丁教育課程:英語方面申請國際學伴計畫、雙語數位學伴計畫、英語口說增能計畫、假期英語營隊與夏日樂學...等;另辦理食農教育計畫、永續發展教育 SDGs 計畫...等舉凡能主動為大園孩子爭取的機會都不輕易放過就是希冀大園的孩子能適性揚才在學校的逐步規劃下學習成長。

大園國小自110 學年度起執行部分領域雙語教學孩子在學校整體營造的雙語環境中有品質的逐步學習與進步。本校雙語教學計畫由學校的領頭羊—劉緯綸校長帶頭執行並辦理公開授課大園國小從綜合領域雙語課出發全校師生都是雙語社群每位老師以不同的方式實踐現場可行且具效率的雙語模式。學校並透過資源整合申辦多元計畫結合雙語教育讓學生從雙語情境中奠基學習內容。除此之外學校結合國際教育專案發表激盪出學生在語言與文化學習歷程中不同的實作體驗。111 學年度本校貝里斯籍外師到校,透過教學現場的中外師教學與互動不僅增進學生國際觀亦創造更生活化的語言環境。本校結合各項英語資源讓學生有最大化的輸入與輸出讓學校成為培養學生具備英語聽說讀寫綜合應用能力的亮點雙語學校。

大園國小於112 年起接下彰化縣國際教育任務學校中的國際教育資源中心(IERC)專責辦理全縣性國際交流與國際教育旅行計畫世界各國與本縣進行學校端的媒合資源都由該中心主政學校因此有更多進行線上線下國際交流的機會112 學年度預計與韓國、貝里斯、日本、新加坡......等國家的小學進行學生間的文化及語言交流為大園國小的親師生打開通往世界的一道門給予孩子們一雙日後能翱翔國際的翅膀。
