Future Literay Academy 未來素養學堂

Professor Ye Recommends Dayuan Elementary School

Background: As schools change the way they teach, the focus is shifting from simply giving information to helping students develop important skills. However, some students, especially those in rural areas, find it harder to keep up because they lack the same resources. To address this issue, a group of experienced teachers was brought together to create the "Future Literacy Academy" project. This project seeks rural schools with big ideas and a proactive mindset to join the "Pine Education Project," symbolizing its evergreen and lasting impact. Schools that participate will lead the way in helping students develop essential skills, with support from various organizations, ensuring that all children, regardless of where they live, have equal opportunities to learn and succeed.

緣起: 隨著學校教學方式的改變,重點正從單純傳授知識轉向幫助學生發展重要技能。然而,有些學生,特別是位於偏鄉地區的學生,因為缺乏相同的資源而更難跟上這些變化。為了解決這個問題,一群有經驗的教師被召集起來,共同創立了「未來素養學堂」計畫。該計畫尋求擁有大膽想法和積極態度的偏鄉學校參與「教育松」計畫,象徵其常青且持久的影響力。參與的學校將在幫助學生發展基本技能方面引領潮流,並獲得來自各方的支持,確保所有孩子,無論他們住在哪裡,都能有平等的學習和成功機會。

Dear Parents,

Hello everyone! I’m Professor Ye Bing-Cheng, and I’m excited to introduce you to an exceptional school in Puyan Township, Changhua County—Dayuan Elementary School. I highly recommend this school because, since the introduction of the 108 Curriculum, students' learning and entrance exams have evolved beyond textbook content. These exams now regularly feature cross-disciplinary questions, data interpretation, and extended responses. As a result, schools need to adopt more flexible and diverse teaching methods to help students grasp both academic and broader knowledge, while also nurturing self-directed learning and core competencies. This is particularly challenging for rural schools with limited resources, but Dayuan Elementary School has risen to the occasion with dedication and excellence, which is why I’m so eager to recommend it to you.

Since 2021, we’ve been running the Future Literacy Academy project, with a mission to identify and support Taiwan’s most outstanding and committed rural schools, helping them thrive—even surpassing their urban counterparts. Over 50 schools have joined this initiative so far, and each year, the Minister of Education personally awards these schools, recognizing their hard work. The leadership and teachers at Dayuan Elementary School have been exceptionally proactive in joining our project. They’ve embraced the resources, methods, and strategies of the 108 Curriculum’s competence-based education, integrating them into their teaching. They continue to work closely with their colleagues to implement these practices, ensuring every student builds a strong foundation in literacy skills.

As a result, we’ve seen the students at this school grow and improve year after year, not just academically, but in all aspects of their education. Dayuan Elementary School stands out for its rich and diverse educational achievements. The school focuses on five key areas: cultivating moral character, nurturing talent, fostering a love of reading, showcasing diverse abilities, and establishing a strong foundation in English while connecting with global standards. This ambitious school has crafted a curriculum around the theme "Taste Dayuan, Forge Ahead," tailored to different grade levels and truly impressive in scope.

The school has earned several recognitions, including as a Leading School in Changhua County, an International Education Sailing School, a Bilingual Education Sailing School, and a Technology Education Sailing School. Dayuan Elementary School has also been certified by our Future Literacy Academy project as a Model School in Reading Literacy. Within Changhua County, it’s recognized as a leader in international education, setting an example for many other schools. Beyond academics, Dayuan offers a variety of extracurricular activities, such as ocarina, handpan, children’s movement, creative writing, inline skating, international education, and courses to build a strong foundation in English.


